Start a Scholarship Fund
Thinking about starting a Scholarship Fund? Scholarship Funds can be established for any reason. What better way to honor a family member, teacher, coach, or mentor whether living or deceased? Better yet, establish a Fund in your own name and start your own legacy! Funds can also be established in the name of a business or organization. Scholarship Funds are truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Coach William Tighe Fund
Endowed Funds (meaning that they have reached a minimum balance of $10,000) will continue to provide scholarships into perpetuity. Each year, we pass along the story of your Fund in the form of biographical information to the Scholarship recipient. There is no better feeling in the world than to read a thank you note from a grateful college student.
To start a Fund, $1,000 is required with the promise of future yearly donations of at least $1,000 for the following ten years. If you are not ready to commit to a Fund yet but still want to help a student directly, we offer a One-time Scholarship for a minimum donation of $500. With a One-time Scholarship a Scholarship in the name of you, your honoree, business or organization will be made the following June to a deserving student. Your entire donation is disbursed. For more information and to request an application, Contact Us.
To see a list of our funds: TSF Scholarship Funds
Funds established on or after January 1, 2016, will reach Permanency when their minimum principal balances reach $10,000. This change will not affect any Permanent or Accumulating Funds that were established before January 1, 2016.

Our Funds Remember and Honor
While TSF’s mission is providing scholarship aid to local students, an equally important role we play is remembering and honoring many of our townspeople and local organizations. This is a role that is very meaningful to TSF. The stories behind each of our funds, including those of individuals who gave much to our town and those whose promise was not realized, are a key part of our success. To remember community members, both young and old, families, local groups and businesses in a positive and active way is a significant reason for our accomplishments since 1960 and our continued growth in aiding Wakefield students.