Scholarship Funds

Scholarship Funds

Below is the list of funds our foundation is honored to administer and manage —  funds established by community members to commemorate beloved individuals, families, businesses, and organizations.


  • Scholarship funds are organized alphabetically by the most prominent name in the fund title, typically a last name or organization name, which is listed in the rightmost column.
  • Use Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F on Mac) to search for specific names.

Eleanor K. Abbott Fund Abbott
Thomas W. and Martha B. Ackerson Fund Ackerson
Donna and Louis Adam Scholarship Fund Adam
George H. and Dorothy L. Adams Fund Adams
Joseph A. Adinolfi, Jr. Fund Adinolfi
Joyce M. Jankun Ahmed Scholarship Fund Ahmed
Peter A. and Elizabeth G. Alemi Fund Alemi
A. Robert Almeida Fund Almeida
AM Employees Association Fund Am Emp
Edgar J. & Edwin F. Amirault Fund Amirault
Mike Angelo Fund Angelo
Willard B. Atwell Scholarship Fund Atwell
Janet M. Austin Scholarship Fund Austin
Nicholas R. & Anna M. Bagarella Fund Bagarella
Yolanda Roberto Ballou Fund Ballou
Manley P. & M. Helen Barber Fund Barber
Walter J. Barczak Fund Barczak
Bardet Language Scholarship Fund Bardet
(Bobby) Robert R. Barrasso Fund Barrasso
Christopher J. Barrett Realtors Fund Barrett
Barsanti Family Fund Barsanti
Donald E. Barthelemy Scholarship Fund Barthelemy
Bayrd Family Fund Bayrd
Bernice O. Bazley Fund Bazley
Marcus G. and Jean Wheeler Beebe Fund Beebe
Staff Sgt. Joseph Bellavia Fund Bellavia
Ralph Bellofatto Fund Bellofatto
Danielle A. Benedetto Fund Benedetto Danielle
Sabatino “Sam” Benedetto Fund Benedetto Sam
Gina C. Benedetto-Ward Fund Benedetto-Ward
Bergholtz Family Foundation Bergholtz
Frederick A. & Marie E. Beyer, Jr. Fund Beyer
Donald J. Bingham Fund Bingham
Bisacre Family Scholarship Fund Bisacre
Daniel F. Blanchard Fund Blanchard
Jonathan G. Blaser Memorial Scholarship Blaser
William E. & Jeanne F. Bloom Fund Bloom
Louise Wight Boardman Fund Boardman
John J. and Esther J. Bogan Fund Bogan
Richard S. “Dicky” Boodry, Jr. Fund Boodry
Boston College Academic Achievement Award Fund Boston College
Boston College Academic Achievement Award Reserve Fund Boston College Reserve
Andrew M. Boudreau Scholarship Fund Boudreau A
Joseph “Joey” Boudreau Memorial Scholarship Fund Boudreau J
Leo E. Bourdon, Sr. Fund Bourdon
A. Fraser Bridges Fund Bridges A Fraser
Christine Bridges Scholarship Fund Bridges Christine
Marion P. & Arthur H. Brown Fund Brown Marion
Virginia H. Brown & Llewellyn A. Brown Fund Brown Virginia
Joyce E. Brown-Landry Fund Brown-Land
Brian F. Buck Fund Buck
Annis Gaythwaite Buckley Fund Buckley Annis
James L. and L. Marion Buckley Fund Buckley James
Kathleen M. Buckley Fund Buckley Kathleen
Donald P. Bulfinch Fund Bulfinch
John Nicholas Buonopane, Sr. Fund Buonopane
Thomas and Julia Burchill Fund Burchill
Malcolm W. Burke Fund Burke
Bob & Sally Burnett Fund Burnett Bob
Lois Rounds Burnett Fund Burnett Lois
Meghan S. Burnett Fund Burnett Meghan
Rt. Rev. Lawrence J. Burns, MM Fund Burns Lawrence
Matthew J. Burns, Jr. & Barbara J. Russell Burns Fund Burns Matthew J Barb
Matthew J. & Julia J. Burns Fund Burns Matthew J Julia
Ruth and Ambrose Burton Fund Burton
Susan E. Callahan Fund Callahan
Lt. Thomas R. Campbell Fund Campbell Thomas
Sharon Campbell-Austin Fund Campbell-Austin
Thomas (Tripp) Canavan III Scholarship Fund Canavan
Vincent J. Cardillo Lions Club Fund Cardillo
William W. Cardwell Fund Cardwell
John W. Carey Fund Carey
Patsy J. Carisella Fund Carisella
Diane Bogan Carlson and Richard A. Carlson Fund Carlson
Bernice L. Caswell Memorial Fund Caswell
Dorothy Chisholm Fund Chisholm Dorothy
Fred T. Chisholm, Jr. Fund Chisholm Fred
James E. & Helen F. Chisholm Fund Chisholm James & Helen
William H. Clark Fund Clark
Howard I. Cohen Fund Cohen
Alice & Raymond Collamore Fund Collamore
James W. Jr. and Rosemary B. Collins Scholarship Fund Collins James
Jean M. Collins Fund Collins Jean
Margaret M. and Catherine Collins Fund Collins Marg
Dr. Lucian J. and Phyllis P. Colucci Fund Colucci
Comcast Fund Comcast
Harold N. Comins Fund Comins
A. Charles & Mildred D. Confalone Fund Confalone A C
Carla Confalone Fund Confalone Carla
John A. Confalone Fund Confalone John
Ruth V. Conley Fund Conley
Connell Family Scholarship Fund Connell
Wm. Ashley “Ash” Connelly Fund Connelly Wm.
John Connolly, Sr. Fund Connolly Sr, John
James A. Coogan Memorial Fund Coogan
Frederick & Sandra Cook Scholarship Fund Cook
James P. Cooney Fund Cooney
Humphrey J. & Mary R. Corcoran Fund Corcoran
Rev. Monsignor James T. Cotter Fund Cotter
James E. and Mary A. Coughlin Fund Coughlin
Margaret “Jean” Coyne and John F. Coyne Fund Coyne
Richard H. Crabb Memorial Fund Crabb
Eleanor L. Crean Fund Crean
Ellen and Walter Creedon Fund Creedon
Armando Cresta Scholarship Fund Cresta
Wayne and Olga Holland Croce Fund Croce
Mary G. Cronin Memorial Scholarship Fund Cronin
Gloria C. Crotty Fund Crotty
Crystal Community Club Memorial Scholarship Fund Crystal C C
Bob & Carole Curran Fund Curran Bob
Elinor F. Curran Fund Curran Elinor
John T. Curran Jr. Fund Curran John
Marie and Phil D’Alessandro Fund D’Alessandro
Andy & Sophie D’Apice Fund D’Apice
George Douglas & Jennie Moores Dalton Fund Dalton
Mary Therese and Carney D. Daniels Fund Daniels
Coach Stephen de Garavilla Memorial Scholarship Fund de Garavilla
Rev. Frederick J. Deasy Foundation Fund Deasy
James M. & Nancy E. (Costantino) DeCamillis Fund DeCamillis
Frances R. DeFazio Fund DeFazio
Ms. Trudy Delory Memorial Award Delory
Francis & Louise (Sacco) DeMarchi Fund DeMarchi
Harry H. & Anne B. Denning Fund Denning
Gerald D. DeViller Fund DeViller
Robert DiLibero Hockey Scholarship Fund DiLibero
Ernest R. and Phyllis M. Dill Fund Dill
Newton and Hope Dillaway Memorial Scholarship Fund Dillaway
Scott DiMella Scholarship Fund DiMella
DiNitto Family Fund DiNitto
John L. DiStaula Fund DiStaula
Arthur F. DiTrapano Fund DiTrapano
Dockside Restaurants Fund Dockside
Richard B. and Alice E. Dolbeare Fund Dolbeare Richard
Robert & Lorraine Dolbeare Scholarship Fund Dolbeare Robert
Dolbeare School PTO Fund Dolbeare School PTO
Rachel Ann Dole Memorial Scholarship Fund Dole
Ernest J. Donahue Fund Donahue
James O. Donnelly Fund Donnelly
Donovan Scholarship in Memory of Linda Donovan & James Donovan Donovan
Leo F. and Margaret C. Douglass Fund Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Dower Fund Dower
Driscoll Family Fund Driscoll
Dr. John E. Drugan, Jr. Fund Drugan
Mark S. & Robert A. Duncan Fund Duncan
Dr. Robert Dutton Medical Fund Dutton
Maurice J. Dwyer Fund Dwyer Maurice
Dwyer Memorial Scholarship Fund Dwyer Memorial
E Company & Medical Detachment Fund IMO Charles A. DeCecca & John A. Nutile E Company
Ralph J. & Shirley M. Eager Fund Eager
Walter H. and Alberta E. Eaton Fund Eaton
Charles J. and Mary M. Egan Fund Egan
Exsandra Elcewicz Science Scholarship Elcewicz
Robert B. & Merilyn E. Eldridge Fund Eldridge
Dr. Donald S. Ellis Fund Ellis
S. William “Bill” Elwell Memorial Fund Elwell
Encarnacao Family Fund Encarnacao
Kathleen M. Lopez Enfanto Fund Enfanto
Epilepsy Society of Wakefield Fund Epilepsy Soc Of Wkfld
E.J. & Barbara J. Evangelista Fund Evangelista
Royal H. & Daune E. Evans Fund Evans
Joseph & Germaine Fabiano Scholarship Fund Fabiano Joseph
Mary F. Fabiano Family Fund Fabiano Mary
Blaise J. “Ben” Faillace Fund Faillace
Fortunata Falabella Fund Falabella
Maureen Donahue Fallon Fund Fallon
Eleanor Eustis Farrington Fund Farrington
Jamie Faucher Memorial Fund Faucher
Frank Favorat Jr. Fund Favorat
Lee S. Fernald Fund Fernald
Rudy A. Feudo Scholarship Fund Feudo
David Samuel Finkelstein Memorial Fund Finkelstein David
Stanley M. Finkelstein Memorial Fund Finkelstein Stanley
Nat Finklestein Scholarship Fund Finklestein Nat
Ruth E. Finlay Fund Finlay
First Educational Savings Branch Fund First Education
First Parish Congregational Church Nyman Fund First Parish – Nyman
Loretta (Rufo) and John Fitzgerald Fund Fitzgerald
Flanley Family Fund Flanley
Family of Joseph & Mary Flynn Fund Flynn
Franklin J. Fotino Fund Fotino Franklin
Robert A. Fotino Family Scholarship Fund Fotino Robert
Dr. Irving A. Fradkin Fund Fradkin
Francis Family Fund Francis
Zachary P. Frank Lacrosse Fund Frank
Philip and Bertha Frankel Fund Frankel
Nan Cindy Freeman Humanities Fund Freeman
John L. Fregosi Fund Fregosi
Arthur A. “Pop” Fulton Fund Fulton
Gilbert A. Gallant, Sr. Fund Gallant
John M. Gallucci Fund Gallucci
Galvin Scholarship Fund Galvin
Donna Louise Gannon Fund Gannon
Selena Kalaher Gardner – Mary Kalaher Scholarship Fund Gardner
David P. Gaw Scholarship Fund Gaw
George A. Geier, Jr. and Mary E. (Kulka) Geier Fund Geier
Albert J. Generazzo, Sr. Memorial Fund Generazzo
Edward M. Geragosian Art Scholarship Fund Geragosian
William T., Sr. and Allida L. Gerrior Scholarship Fund Gerrior
Gerrish/Almeida/Rindone Family Scholarship Fund Gerrish Almeida Rindone
GFWC Wakefield Junior Woman’s Club Fund Gfwc Jr Woman
Barbara Jeanne Gile Fund Gile
Dominic Giuffre Fund Giuffre
Roxanne Giuliano Fund Giuliano
Golden Rule Masonic Lodge AF & AM Memorial Fund Golden Rule Mason 1
Golden Rule Masonic Lodge AF & AM Memorial #2 Fund Golden Rule Mason 2
Jack and Irving Goldenberg Fund Goldenberg
Jan L. Watson Gould Fund Gould
James C. Grady Memorial Scholarship Grady
Linda M. Gray Fund Gray Linda
Greatest Need Donations Greatest Need
D. S. Greene Co., Inc. Fund Greene
Greenwood Union Church Memorial Fund Greenwood Union Church
Greenwood Woman’s Club Fund Greenwood Woman’s
Greenwood – Yeuell PTO Fund Greenwood-Yeuell PTO
Griffin Family Fund Griffin
Paul K. Guillow Fund Guillow
Gulch Scholarship Fund Gulch
Joseph G. Hakey and Lester G. Hakey Fund Hakey
Warren F. (Skip) & Jane M. Haley Scholarship Fund Haley
Hall-Ayscough Fund Hall-Ayscough Fund
Thomas Edward Hamel Fund Hamel
Mary Hancock Starbard Fund Hancock Starbard
Frederick and Eileen McCall Hannon Fund Hannon Fred
Viola G. Hannon Fund Hannon Viola
Jean C. Hartshorne Memorial Fund Hartshorne
Mildred C. and William P. Hatch, Jr. Fund Hatch
William D. Healey, Sr. Fund Healey
Herb Heidkamp Fund Heidkamp
John B. Hendershot Fund Hendershot
Francis H. & Catherine E. Horne Fund Horne
William F. and Mary R. Hovey Fund Hovey
Peter E. & Edna F. Hubbard Fund Hubbard
Hurd School PTO Fund Hurd PTO
Hurton Family Fund Hurton Family
James T. and Elizabeth R. Hurton Fund Hurton James
Thomas F. Inglis Fund Inglis
Keith A. Irons Fund Irons
Marjorie W. and Roscoe E. Irving Fund Irving
Ernest and Doras Jackson Fund Jackson
William J. Jarmusik Fund Jarmusik
Jasper & Jay Fund Jasper & Jay
William H. and Eva S. Jaynes Fund Jaynes
Richard R. & Helen V. Jennings Fund Jennings
Jayne M. Johnson Fund Johnson Jayne
Rhudine Johnson Unsung Hero Fund Johnson Rhudine
Jody A. Johnston Fund Johnston
Barbara M. Jones Fund Jones Barb
Diane & Charles Jones Fund Jones D & C
Jones Family Fund Jones Family
George R. & Laura B. Jones Fund Jones George
Virginia M. Jones Fund Jones Virginia
William E. Jones Fund Jones William
K of C Wakefield Council #104 Scholarship Fund 104 K Of C #104
Carolyn O’Keefe Kane Fund Kane
Cathleen A. Keegan Fund Keegan
June & John Kelleher, Sr. Fund Kelleher
Coach Richard Kelley Scholarship Fund Kelley
Michael and Helen Kelly Fund Kelly
John F. Kennedy Fund Kennedy
Thomas F. Kenney Fund Kenney
Kernan Scholarship Fund Kernan
Janet L. (Buckle) Key Fund Key
Charles T. and Grace L. Kirk Fund Kirk
Kiwanis Club of Wakefield/Lynnfield Fund Kiwanis Club
Diane Kludjian Fund Kludjian
Kosmos Club Fund – Wakefield Women’s Club 1895-2004 Kosmos
George and Ethel Koulouris Scholarship Fund Koulouris
Eric H. Krasker Memorial Fund Krasker
Anna and John Kupiec Fund Kupiec
John K. Lally, Jr. Fund Lally John
John T. & Mary E. (Burns) Lally Fund Lally John T
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Lally and Family Fund Lally Pat
Lt. Catherine (Titus) & John J. Landers Family Fund Landers
Col. James M. Landrigan Fund Landrigan
Officer Thomas H. Langone Fund Langone
Lapham Family Fund in Memory of Barbara Courant Lapham
Margaret E. Laramore Fund Laramore
Edward J. LaRocco Fund LaRocco
Angelina C. LaTerza Fund LaTerza
Madeline F. Lawrence Fund Lawrence
Charles H. (Chucky) Lawson, Jr. Fund Lawson
John and Henrietta Lazzaro Fund Lazzaro John
Paul Lazzaro Scholarship Fund Lazzaro Paul
Dana William Leach Fund Leach Dana
Jimmy Leach Little League Scholarship Fund Leach Jimmy
Herbert and Alma Leafquist Fund Leafquist
Lorraine A. Leahy Memorial Fund Leahy
Kelly Ledoux-Walsh Memorial Fund Ledoux-Walsh
Chester E. Lee Family Scholarship Fund Lee Chester
Laura A. Lee Fund Lee Laura
William J. Lee Fund Lee William
Dennis Lehane Memorial Scholarship Lehane
Dorothy M. Lena Memorial Fund Lena
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot B. Leonard Fund Leonard
Diane Lind Scholarship Fund Lind
Lions Club of Wakefield Fund Lions Club Of Wakefield
Joseph, Grace, Paul & Frank Longo Memorial Scholarship Fund Longo J/G/P/F
Joseph N. Longo Memorial Scholarship Fund Longo Joseph
Lyons and Hanson Families Fund Lyons
Muriel E. MacDonald Fund MacDonald Muriel
Robert P. and Estella A. Laramore MacDonald Fund MacDonald Robert
Alexander MacIntosh, Jr. Fund MacIntosh
Robert B. & Florence M. MacKenna Fund MacKenna
H. Stanley & Beatrice E. MacLellan Art Scholarship MacLellan
Michael Magliozzi Fund Magliozzi
Rosina and Edward Mahoney Fund Mahoney
Dr. Stephen F. Maio Fund Maio
John & May Majeski Fund Majeski John & May
Margaret C. Majeski Fund Majeski Margaret
Justin L. Marshall Scholarship Fund Marshall
Joseph and Janet Martin Fund Martin Joseph
Ronald J. & Virginia C. Martin Fund Martin Ronald & Viriginia
Dominic P. & Shirley M. Martino Memorial Fund Martino
Nicholas (Nick) Mauriello, RPT Fund Mauriello
Peter J. May Scholarship Fund May
A. David & Eleanor S. Mazzone Fund Mazzone
William F. McAvenia Fund McAvenia
Alfred E. McCarthy, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund McCarthy Alfred
John J. McCarthy Fund McCarthy John J
Muriel M. & Henry B. McConville Fund McConville
William T. and Ruth McDonald Fund McDonald
Mary and William F. McDonough Fund McDonough
Donna J. McDonough Memorial Fund McDonough Donna
Francis C. & Florence C. McGrath, Jr. Fund McGrath Francis
Marguerite C. McGrath Fund McGrath Marguerite
Nora and Alice McGrath Fund McGrath Nora
Margaret F. McHugh Scholarship Fund McHugh Marg
Esther M., Mary E., & Dr. William McKenna Fund McKenna
Jean L. McLaughlin Fund McLaughlin
Bonnie-Jean Hupprich McLean Fund McLean Bonnie
Kelly McLean Memorial Scholarship McLean Kelly
Warren C. “Chris” McLean, III Fund McLean War
Kevin T. McNicholas Scholarship Fund McNicholas K
Paul S. McNulty (WHS 1961) Fund McNulty
Gordon J. & Joan L. McRae Fund McRae
Howard E. & Elaine M. Melanson Fund Melanson
Alfred H. Mellett Scholarship Fund Mellett
Thomas C. Merchant Memorial Scholarship Fund Merchant
William B. Merry, Jr. Hockey Scholarship Fund Merry
Metalcrafters, Inc. Fund Metalcrafters
Metcalf and Eddy, Inc. Fund Metcaf
Proctor & Barbara Miller Family Fund Miller
Anthony & Nancy Irene Minichiello Memorial Scholarship Fund Minichiello
Dick and Janet Miranda Memorial Scholarship Fund Miranda
Robert C. Modica Fund Modica
Craig David Moff Fund Moff
Mogan Family Fund Mogan
Benjamin J. Mohla Scholarship Fund Mohla
Montrose School PTO Fund Montrose PTO
Beatrice D. Moody Fund Moody
Patricia B. & Eugene V. Mooney, Jr. Fund Mooney
Jonathan W. Moore Fund Moore
George H. and Alyce M. Morgan Fund Morgan
Attorney & Mrs. Hugh J. Morgan, Jr. Scholarship Fund Morgan Hugh
John & Doris Moriana Memorial Fund Moriana
Harvey P. and Ethel T. Morrison Fund Morrison
Thomas D. Morse Fund Morse
Katherine F. and Harold D. Mullen Fund Mullen
Dr. Paula M. Mullen Scholarship Fund Mullen Paula
Melvin G. Murley Fund Murley
James H. & Sara M. Murphy Fund Murphy James & Sara
John J. Murphy Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Murphy Jr. John
Jimmy Muse Memorial Scholarship Fund Muse Jimmy
Louis J. & Margaret E. Muse Fund Muse Louis
Richard S. Muse, Jr. Fund Muse Richard
Jean Margaret Nauss Fund Nauss
Donald R. Nealon Memorial Scholarship Fund Nealon
Corporal Harry E. Nelson American Legion Fund Nelson
Russell H. Nelson Fund Nelson Russell
Thomas J. Nestor Fund Nestor Thom
Fred A. Nichols Fund Nichols
Martin, Luverne, and Anna Niland Fund Niland
9-11 Fund Nine-11 Fund
Joseph J. and Ruth H. Nolan Fund Nolan
North Suburban Art Exhibit Fund North Suburban Art
Northeastern Husky Giving Back Scholarship Fund Northeastern Husky
Mary and Gordon Noyer Fund Noyer
Charles H. Nute, Jr. Fund Nute
David H. O’Brien Fund O’Brien David
Donna M. O’Brien Memorial Scholarship Fund O’Brien Donna
David M. O’Connor Fund O’Connor
Thomas G. O’Donnell Fund O’Donnell
Brendan and Mary O’Keefe Family Fund O’Keefe
Nancy & Ernest F. “Tip” O’Neill Fund O’Neil
Charles F. (Chuck) Oates Fund Oates
Michael W. Olson Fund Olson
Lillian V. Olstinski Fund Olstinski
Sal & Lee Orifice Memorial Fund Orifice
John J. (Tank) Orsini Fund Orsini
Raymond U. and Esther C. Osborne Fund Osborne
Osetek Family Scholarship Fund Osetek
Robert E. and Mary K. Palumbo Fund Palumbo
Dr. T. Fulton Parks & his wife, Lillian E. Parks Fund Parks
Marie and Robert Patrick Family Fund Patrick
Edna May Paulson Fund Paulson
PAWS (Protection of Animals in Wakefield Society, Inc.) Scholarship Fund PAWS
Louis M. Perillo Fund Perillo
Philip A. and Anne C. Perkins Fund Perkins
Clarence J. Peters Fund Peters
Clarence J. Peters, Jr. Fund Peters Jr
June Peterson Nursing Scholarship Peterson
Albert J. & Frances M. Petrucci Fund Petrucci Albert
Josephine Petrucci Fund Petrucci Josephine
Mary Denise Phillips Fund Phillips
Chester J. and Zelma G. Philpott Fund Philpott
Caroline Pinette Memorial Scholarship Pinette
John and Dolores Piskadlo Family Fund Piskadlo
Albert J. and Veronica A. Porcelain Fund Porcelain
William H. Powers Fund Powers
James F. Preston, Jr. Memorial Fund Preston James
Paul W. Preston Fund Preston Paul W
Carleton and Dorothy Proctor Fund Proctor Carl
David J. M. Proctor Fund Proctor David
William J. Prowse and William J. Prowse, Jr. Fund Prowse
Salvatore Joseph Puglisi Fund Puglisi
Dana R. Purrington Fund Purrington
Sandra K. Pustizzi Fund Pustizzi
Quannapowitt Yacht Club Fund in Honor of John King & Scott Foberg Quannapowitt Yacht
Lucille M. & James G. Queeney Fund Queeney
Jean Marie Quinlan Fund Quinlan
Edward L. Quinn, Sr. and Ellen P. Quinn Fund Quinn
John Raffael, Jr. Fund Raffael
Marjorie Rainge Fund Rainge
William L. Rainville K of C Memorial Scholarship Fund Rainville
“Officer Max” Ramocki Fund Ramocki
Bella and Effie Rattray Fund Rattray
Rawson Auto Body, Inc. Fund Rawson
Alfred and Caroline Razzaboni Fund Razzaboni
Jean M. and Joseph R. Rector Fund Rector
Jean and Warren Reeves Fund Reeves
Robert N. Reid, Jr. Fund Reid
Dorothy W. Remick Fund Remick
Paul M. Ricciardone Memorial Fund Ricciardone
Joseph Michael Rich Memorial Fund for the Performing Arts Rich Joseph
Lt. Peter B. Rich Fund Rich Peter
Bernard J. & Mary G. Riley Fund Riley Bernard
John M. Riley Fund Riley John
Daniel E. Ring Fund Ring
James Rizza Scholarship Fund Rizza
Armando J. and Marie B. Roberto Fund Roberto Armando & Marie
James and Florence Roberto Fund Roberto James & Florence
John & Joan Roberto, Jr. Family Scholarship Fund Roberto John & Joan
Diane E. Roberts Fund Roberts
Dr. Max Robinson Fund Robinson
Christopher M. Rollins Fund Rollins
Saul M. Rosen Fund Rosen
David R. Rosewell Memorial Fund Rosewell
Rotary Club of Wakefield, MA Fund Rotary Club
Arthur J. & Karen L. Rotondi Fund Rotondi
Anthony F. & Patricia A. Rubbicco Scholarship Fund Rubbicco
WJHS Maureen O’Keeffe Rubbico Fund Rubbicco Maureen
Kyle Rush Memorial Scholarship Rush
William W. Russell Fund Russell
Salvatore J. Russo Fund Russo
Abraham & Madeline Ruthfield Fund Ruthfield
Alice Ryan Family Fund Ryan Alice
Shirley A. Ryan Fund Ryan Shirley
Sardella Family Scholarship Fund Sardella
Mike Sateriale Vocational Scholarship Sateriale
Kirk Sattley Memorial Fund Sattley
Leonard J. & R. Lorraine Saulnier Fund Saulnier
Paul A. and Marjorie F. Saunders Fund Saunders
The Savings Bank Fund Savings Bank
Joseph G. Sawtelle Fund Sawtelle
Joseph G., Jr. and Jean E. Sawtelle Administration Support Fund Sawtelle Support
Sally Dee Sayce Fund Sayce
Patrick and Haruko Scanlon Scholarship Fund Scanlon
Edward and Irene Schmidgall Fund Schmidgall
Scholarship America Fund Scholarship America
Vivian G. and John F. Scott, Jr. Memorial Fund Scott
J. Roger Seabury, Jr. Fund Seabury
Seaside Steppers Square Dance Club Seaside
Donald V. Shanahan Fund Shanahan
Dominic & Vera Shelzi & Gaetano Danca Scholarship Fund Shelzi
S. Morton and Viola Sherman Fund Sherman
Mark J. Simeola Scholarship Fund Simeola
Catherine E. Simpson Fund Simpson
Sjostrom Fund Sjostrom
Michael J. Skeldon Fund Skeldon
William C. Skulley, Jr. Scholarship Fund Skulley
Francis J. Smith Fund Smith Francis
James and Dorothy Smith Fund Smith James
Dr. Kimberly J. Smith Scholarship Fund Smith Kim
Maude Newhall Smith Fund Smith Maude
Paula L. Smith Fund Smith Paula
Susan P. (Kulka) Smith Fund Smith Susan
Peter A. Sokol Scholarship Fund Sokol
Albert T. and Alice Sawyer Spaulding Fund Spaulding Albert
Bill Spaulding Merit Award Spaulding Bill
Gertrude Mowry Spaulding Continuing Education Fund Spaulding Gertrude
William R. and Jennie Gillam Spaulding Fund Spaulding William
William R. Spaulding Information Dissemination Fund Spaulding William R P
Frank P. “Flash” Spencer Fund Spencer
Spir-it, Inc. Fund Spir-It
Sally Ann Squires Scholarship Fund Squires
Coach Squires and Coach DiComandrea Cross Country and Track Scholarship Squires – Dicomandrea
Karen Smith Stanford Fund Stanford
Frances Cotter Staniloff Scholarship Staniloff
Stanley/Gleason Memorial Fund Stanley
Star of Bethlehem Masonic Lodge Fund Star Of
Irving K. & Priscilla L. Stark Scholarship Stark
Jeffrey N. & Marcia R. Stevens Fund Stevens
Morris F. and Nathalie Stoddard Fund Stoddard
Christopher W. Stone Fund Stone
Christopher Stout Fund Stout
Alexander and Esther Struzziero Fund Struzziero
Anne T. Sullivan Fund Sullivan Anne
Eugene J. & Irene Lazzaro Sullivan Fund Sullivan Eugene & Irene
Eugene R. Sullivan Fund Sullivan Eugene R
John James Sullivan, Jr. Fund Sullivan Jr John
Edward Sullo & Patricia O’Keefe Sullo Memorial Fund Sullo
J. Edward Surette, Sr. Fund Surette J Edward
Raymond “Jess” Surette Fund Surette Raymond
John Robert Swallow Fund Swallow
Artie Swanson Remembrance Fund Swanson
Annabelle L. Szydlowski Fund Szydlowski A
Dr. Sigmund J. Szydlowski Fund Szydlowski S
Mary J. Cammarata Tarmey Scholarship Fund Tarmey
Alice M. Taylor Fund Taylor Alice
Howard A. Taylor Fund Taylor Howard
Robert and Ruth Taylor Fund Taylor Robert & Ruth
Phillip Tecce Scholarship Fund Tecce
Donald L. Tenney Fund Tenney
Frank H. and Carolyn G. Terhune Fund Terhune
Wendell P. and Edna E. Thayer Fund Thayer
Dr. Cornelius Thibeault Fund Thibeault
Kenneth and Hilda Thomson Fund Thomson
Francis C. Thurston Fund Thurston
Coach William Tighe Fund Tighe
Florence Clifford Timmins Fund Timmons
Sebastian and Patricia Canavan Tine Fund Tine
Towle Lescher Fund for Science Education Towle Lescher
Trees for Wakefield Trees
TSF Anniversary Fund IHO Patricia B. Mooney TSF Anniversary Fund
TSF General Fund TSF General
TSF Student Directors Fund TSF Students
J. George & Edwina Tucker Fund Tucker
Neal L. Tucker Fund Tucker Neal
William J. Tucker Fund Tucker William
Charles E. and Lillian T. Turner Fund Turner
Richard S. Turner Memorial Scholarship Turner Richard
Donald C. Valentine Fund Valentine
Peter J. Verdone Scholarship Fund Verdone
Dante C. Volpe Fund Volpe Dante
Gov. John A. and Jennie Benedetto Volpe Fund Volpe John
Ridento “Chubby” Volpe Fund Volpe Ridento
Robert N. von Klock Fund Von Klock
Waite Family Fund Waite
Robert B. Eldridge Wakefield Adult Mentoring (WAM) Fund Wake Adult Mentoring
Wakefield Arts and Crafts Society Fund Wake Arts
Wakefield Business and Professional Women’s Organization Fund Wake Business
Wakefield Co-operative Bank Fund Wake Co-op
Wakefield Education Association Fund Wake Educ
Wakefield Item Company Fund Wake Item
Wakefield Memorial High School METCO Graduate Fund Wake Memorial Metco
Wakefield Mother’s Club Fund Wake Mothers
Wakefield Rainbow Scholarship Fund Wake Rainbow
Wakefield Repertory Theatre Fund Wake Repertory
Wakefield Soccer Association Fund Wake Soccer
Wakefield Tennis Association Fund Wake Tennis
Wakefield – Reading Y Service Club Fund Wake-Reading
Wakefield Area Chamber of Commerce Fund Wakefield Chamber
William J. and Judith A. Wallace Scholarship Fund Wallace
Joe Walsh Fund Walsh
Geoffrey A. Walter Fund Walter
Walton Doyle Scholarship Fund in Honor of Dr. Dan Shoreman & Mary Daiopulos Walton Doyle
Lee Melody Weeks Memorial Fund Weeks
Ruth Weld and Charles Weld Fund Weld
George E. Weldon Scholarship Fund Weldon
Rose B. Welford Fund Welford
Jim Wensley Fund Wensley
J. Merritt Wenzel Fund Wenzel
Wessels’ Family Fund Wessels
West Side Social Club West Side
Beatrice V. Wheeler Fund Wheeler Beatrice
Mark C. and Daniel G. Wheeler Fund Wheeler Mark
M. Bernice and Harris F. “Tex” White Fund White
WHS Class of 1924 Fund WHS Class 1924
WHS Class of 1929 Fund WHS Class 1929
WHS Class of 1931 Fund WHS Class 1931
Olympia D’Ambrosio and Emanuel D’Ambrosio WHS Class of 1932 Fund WHS Class 1932
WHS Class of 1935 Fund WHS Class 1935
WHS Class of 1936 Fund WHS Class 1936
WHS Class of 1938 Fund WHS Class 1938
WHS Class of 1942 Fund WHS Class 1942
WHS Class of 1948 Fund WHS Class 1948
WHS Class of 1957 Fund WHS Class 1957
WHS Class of 1958 Fund WHS Class 1958
WHS Class of 1959 Fund WHS Class 1959
WHS Class of 1960 Fund WHS Class 1960
WHS Class of 1961 Fund WHS Class 1961
WHS Class of 1962 Memorial Scholarship WHS Class 1962
WHS Class of 1963 Fund WHS Class 1963
WHS Class of 1964 Fund WHS Class 1964
WHS Class of 1965 Fund in memory of Stephen J. Hegarty & Eric Ruderman WHS Class 1965
WHS Class of 1966 Fund WHS Class 1966
WHS Class of 1969 Fund WHS Class 1969
WHS Class of 1970 Fund WHS Class 1970
WHS Class of 1971 Fund WHS Class 1971
WHS Class of 1972 Fund WHS Class 1972
WHS National Honor Society Fund WHS Nat’l Honor
WHS Student Council Fund WHS Stud Council
Eliza and Edison Wicker Fund Wicker
Charles J. and Catherine M. Williams Fund Williams Charles
Nathalie L. and Barbara E. Williams Fund Williams Nathalie
Paul F. & Barbara A. Williams Fund Williams Paul
Robert C. Williams Fund Williams Robert
Roger Williams Fund Williams Roger
Charles D. & E.B. Willis Fund Willis
Elizabeth M., Leslie J., and Florence E. Wilson Fund Wilson
Pamela J. Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund Wood Pamela
Ron Wood Fund Wood Ron
Woodville School PTO Fund Woodville PTO
Dave Workman Biddy Basketball Fund Workman
Alfred J. & Geraldine L. Yebba Fund Yebba
L. Murray & Dorothy J. Young Fund Young
Marilyn Zimmerle Scholarship Fund Zimmerle
Joseph L. & Virginia M. Zingarelli Fund Zingar