The TSF Community Recognition Award recognizes outstanding support of TSF and its mission to help local students pay for college.

The 2022 Award was presented to the Wakefield Item Company for its generous and ongoing support especially with the Holiday Giving campaign and in the preparation of materials each year for the Annual Phonathon. Shown above from The Item Company accepting the award are:  Carol Leland, Glenn Dolbeare, TSF Treasurer Jay Landers presenting the award, and Jon Pinkney.

As this event has not been held in person since 2019, also recognized for their support of TSF were the 2020 and 2021 recipients.

2021 winner Bob Sardella of Sardella Sign and Graphics is joined by TSF Treasurer Jay Landers and recognized for the creation, installation and storage of the Annual Phonathon banner.

2020 recipients Roseanne Phillips and Michael Rodman are thanked by TSF President MIchael Kilkelly (center) for their longstanding tradition of providing beautiful floral centerpieces for TSF’s Annual Dinner.

2021-2022 Student Directors pictured above were thanked for their involvement with TSF, especially during the Annual Phonathon.

The graduating TSF student directors recognized at Senior Awards Night were: Sophia Callahan, Christina Covelle, Stephanie Curran, Emily Gillan, Emma Johnsen, Olivia Johnsen, Amanda Nett, Alonnie Ortiz, Kaitlin Patt, Kayli Porter, and Maeve Recene.

Underclassmen TSF student directors receiving certificates at the June Breakfast meeting were: Joseph Colliton, Caroline Guanci, Charlotte Hill, Spencer Little, Sofia Macaluso, Lauren Mangarelli, Alexis Manzi, Samantha Marshall, Andrew Nett, Brandon Nett, Madison Nett, Ahmed Othman, Fiona Recene, Sophia Scalzo and Jillian Schwartzberg.







The 2021-2022 Student Director Officers pictured above attended the June Breakfast Meeting. The graduting seniors shared their plans for next year. Left to right: Vice President Sophia Callahan, President Stephanie Curran, Treasurer Kayli Porter and Secretary Amanda Nett.